Info: IE Support


Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH

Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 185748 Garching /Munich München

Tel.: +49 (0)89 32 000 0

Fax: +49 (0)89 32 000 482

Represented  by:
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Michael Heidemann

Chief Executive Officer:
Holger Schulz (Chairman of the Management Board)
Thomas Weber (Deputy Chairman of the Management Board)
Dr. Andreas Kamm
Philip Wolters

incorporated in the Register of Companies

(Handelsregister) local court Munich
HRB Munich 107767
VAT Registration Number (VAT REG NO) (USt.-ID-Nr.): DE145374108

Responsible person in
terms of sec. 55 para. 2 RStV
(Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting):

Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH
Klaus Finzel
Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1
85748 Garching / Munich


We are neither obliged to participate in a dispute resolution process
before a consumer arbitration board nor do we voluntarily
participate in such a procedure.

Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution: